gourmet seed garlic
Your Garlic God farmers hand weed, hand harvest, hand clean, and hand package all orders. We NEVER use pesticides on our garlic.

The only truly successful method of control against disease and ensure clean seed stock is to buy from a certified source. The Idaho State Department of Agriculture inspects our garlic annually and certifies our garlic white rot free. All orders come with a copy of our certification.
hardneck and softneck seed garlic
The "neck" refers to the stalk that grows out of the ground, upwards, from the bulb. Hardnecks garlics have a "stalk" (scape) that stems from the center of the bulb and turns rigid at maturity. Softnecks stalks are made up of leaves and remain soft and flexible at maturity.
Softneck garlics are largely adaptalbe and grow well in warm and southern climates as they are not cold hardy. Softnecks can grow well in USDA hardiness zones 6-10, but may require mulch in cold areas. Softnecks also store very well, lasting 9-12 months when properly cured and stored. There are more cloves in each bulb with two layers, some small and some large. While all cloves can be planted, we suggest planting the large cloves first and if you have remaining space plant the smaller cloves.
Hardneck garlics tend to grow best in colder climates, as they are very winter hardy. Hardnecks can grow well in USDA hardiness zones 3-8 and are not suggested in warmer climates. Hardenecks produce scapes, which if left on the plant will eventully fower. These bulbs are typically easier to peel and are more flavorful than softnecks. With fewer and larger cloves per head than softneck garlics. Hardneck garlics do not have as long of a shelf life and typically store between 4 and 6 months.
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